EMCOR is serious about being "green" and we are committed to saving energy and reducing energy costs for our clients. This is one in a series of ongoing communications that feature tips you can do to make your facilities more "green" and energy efficient. Many of these suggested examples can be executed for little-to-no cost—they are small measures that can make a big impact.


A new cleaning schedule can
save up to 10% off your annual
energy costs


What does cleaning have to do with energy costs?  Janitorial staff is often ignored when developing energy saving strategies, yet lighting for after-hours cleaning can account for 25% of the weekly lighting use, which equates to between 5% and 10% of your building’s annual energy use.


One option to consider is 'day cleaning' during normal operating hours. If cleaning must remain a night-time activity, have janitors clean as a team—turning off lights as they complete a floor or even an area or office. Finally, have security walk-through each floor after cleaning is completed to ensure lights are off—even checking task lighting that occupants inadvertently left on.



Are you interested in learning additional ways
we can save you more energy? Call us at:
